Nine-hundred seventy-four million people (CBS News): a country, a continent, the contemporary rhetorical medium Twitter. McLuhan would agree that the inception of this new medium far outweighs any single message sent through it; however, to truly understand the gargantuan affect of Twitter in postmodern rhetoric a closer look can be taken of the New York Times Twitter account, more specifically their coverage of the 2016 political election.
As I sat preparing to type, my laptop’s battery died. Looking at a black screen waiting for it to recharge, I began thinking about how dependent my life is on technology and what an examined life truly meant. American society as whole often misses out on key moments in life because they are too absorbed in one thing: a relationship, work, pleasure, wealth. Across five dimensions, some sort of balance had been incorporated or indirectly suggested in order to live both a fulfilling and joyful life.